CTV Inventory: Definitive Guide for Connected TV Advertisers

Last Updated: July 9, 20245.5 min readCategories: Connected TV (CTV), Marketing

Connected TV (CTV) inventory represents a significant opportunity for advertisers to leverage the targeting capabilities of digital advertising on the largest screen in the house. As CTV ad spend continues to surge, understanding how to navigate this fragmented landscape becomes crucial.

This guide will explore the intricacies of CTV ad inventory, covering key sources, buying strategies, evaluation metrics, and the benefits of integrating this form of OTT inventory.

What Is CTV Ad Inventory?

CTV ad inventory refers to the available slots for advertisements within connected TV platforms, such as streaming services and smart TVs.

These CTV ads, often 15- to 30-second videos, are a type of programmatic advertising displayed to target specific audiences, combining the broad reach of traditional TV advertising with the precision of digital marketing. The inventory can be purchased from various sources, including smart TV manufacturers, streaming services, and ad tech platforms.

Types of CTV Ad Inventory

Understanding the types of CTV ad inventory is crucial for optimizing your advertising strategy. In most cases, inventory comes from:

Content Owners

Content owners, like Hulu and YouTube, provide CTV ad inventory within their streaming platforms. These ads reach a broad audience and offer high-quality, professionally produced content slots.

App Owners

App owners, like those offering specialized streaming services, sell ad inventory within their applications. This type of inventory allows advertisers to target niche audiences based on app-specific user behaviors and preferences.

Demand-Side Platforms

Demand-side platforms (DSPs) like The Trade Desk facilitate automated purchasing of CTV ad inventory across multiple sources. DSPs offer robust CTV targeting and optimization tools, ensuring efficient ad placement and performance tracking.

CTV Ad Formats

Understanding the various CTV ad formats can help you tailor your streaming TV advertising strategy effectively. The most common CTV placements are:

Pre-Roll Ads

Pre-roll ads play before the streaming content begins, capturing the viewer’s attention early. These ads are effective for brand awareness and delivering key messages up front.

Mid-Roll Ads

Mid-roll ads are inserted in the middle of streaming content, often during natural breaks. These ads benefit from higher engagement as viewers are already invested in the content.

Post-Roll Ads

Post-roll ads appear after the streaming content ends, targeting viewers who watched the entire program. These OTT ads can reinforce messages and encourage further action from an engaged audience.

Banner Ads

Banner ads are static or dynamic visual ads that appear within the CTV interface, usually at the bottom or side of the screen. They offer a less intrusive way to advertise, maintaining visibility without interrupting the viewing experience.

Overlay Ads

Overlay ads are semi-transparent ads that appear over the content for a brief period. They are designed to catch viewers’ attention without fully disrupting their viewing, providing a balance between visibility and user experience.

CTV Placement Types

So, on what devices are CTV ads shown? Here are the most common CTV placement types:

In-App CTV Ads

In-app CTV ads are integrated within specific streaming applications on devices like Roku or Amazon Fire TV. These placements leverage app-specific user data to enhance targeting precision.

OTT Devices

Ads on OTT devices, such as streaming sticks or set-top boxes, reach viewers across various apps and services. These devices provide flexibility and wide reach, tapping into multiple content sources.

Smart TVs

Smart TV ads appear on internet-connected televisions from manufacturers like Samsung and LG. These placements offer high-quality ad experiences on the primary screen in households.

Gaming Consoles

Gaming consoles like PlayStation and Xbox offer CTV ad placements within their entertainment ecosystems. Ads here can engage a younger, tech-savvy audience with dynamic content.

Mobile Devices

CTV ads on mobile devices target users consuming streaming content via smartphones and tablets. These placements allow for cross-device campaigns, reinforcing messages across different screens.

How to Buy CTV Ad Inventory

Buying CTV ad inventory involves navigating different purchasing methods to find the best fit for your campaign goals.

Programmatic Marketplaces

Programmatic marketplaces automate the buying process, allowing advertisers to bid for ad space in real-time across various platforms. Real-time bidding (RTB) provides access to a broad range of inventory and advanced targeting capabilities.


  • Automation: Streamlines the buying process, saving time and resources.
  • Broad Access: Offers a wide range of inventory across multiple platforms.
  • Advanced Targeting: Provides sophisticated CTV targeting options for precise audience reach.


  • Complexity: Requires understanding of technical aspects and bidding strategies.
  • Transparency Issues: May lack visibility into where ads are placed.
  • Costs: Potentially higher costs due to competitive bidding.


Non-programmatic buying involves direct deals with content providers or networks, offering more control over ad placement. While this method can ensure premium CTV inventory, it typically limits the scope to the provider’s specific content.


  • Control: Greater control over ad placements and context.
  • Premium Inventory: Direct access to high-quality, premium content.
  • Custom Deals: Ability to negotiate specific terms and conditions.


  • Limited Scope: Restricted to the provider’s specific inventory.
  • Manual Process: More time-consuming due to direct negotiations.
  • Scalability: Less flexible in scaling campaigns quickly compared to programmatic methods.

How to Evaluate CTV Inventory Providers

Evaluating CTV inventory providers involves considering several key factors to ensure optimal ad performance and security.

Brand Safety

Assessing brand safety measures is crucial to ensure your ads appear in appropriate and reputable content. Look for providers that use advanced technologies to prevent ads from running alongside harmful or inappropriate content.

Fraud Prevention

Effective fraud prevention mechanisms protect your ad spend from invalid traffic and fraudulent activities. Choose providers that employ cutting-edge tools like machine learning and cryptographic validation to verify each impression.

Premium Networks

Partnering with providers that offer access to premium networks ensures high-quality ad placements. These networks typically provide better audience engagement and higher ad performance.

Transparent Measurement

Transparent measurement practices allow for accurate tracking and reporting of ad performance. Ensure your provider offers detailed marketing metrics and clear visibility into your ad campaigns’ reach and effectiveness.

Premium vs. Non-Premium CTV Inventory

Choosing between premium and non-premium depends on campaign goals, whether prioritizing quality and targeted reach or maximizing exposure and frequency.

  • Premium CTV inventory refers to ad slots on high-quality, reputable content platforms, often offering better audience engagement and higher performance metrics.
  • Non-premium inventory, on the other hand, includes ad placements on less prominent or niche platforms, which may offer broader reach but with variable quality and engagement levels.

CTV Inventory: Final Thoughts

Mastering CTV inventory is essential for any connected TV advertiser looking to optimize their ad placements and reach targeted audiences effectively. By understanding the types of CTV inventory, ad formats, placement types, and evaluation methods, advertisers can navigate this fragmented landscape with confidence.

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